DNA Gensee, at In-Cosmetics congress

From 17 to 19 April 2018, DNA Gensee will be present at the international In-Cosmetics exhibition in Amsterdam, stand L105 (www.in-cosmetics.com). Nicole Giraud and Nelly Dubrulle will be happy to welcome you and to present you the authenticity of the raw materials and the traceability through the DNA of the plants. Contact Mrs Nicole Giraud,…

Frauds fight

Frauds and adulterations, a social issue

To date, fraud is a real social issue. Indeed, in recent years, many scandals concerning the adulterations (compoundsnot indicated in the product composition) have been detected. A large number of sectors has been affected such as food industry, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Many consumers still have in mind, the cases concerning “horse meat” in the…

Citrus DNA

Citrus DNA : A new R&D project for our team

The power of vegetal DNA in the service of safety and traceability. Citrus, colored and perfumed fruits, are very popular in cosmetics, perfumers and agri-food industries. Known since hundreds of years, they are grouped in 3 main genera (Citrus, Fortunella and Poncitrus) within the Rutacea family. Classification of the species within this family remains complicated.…

DNA Gensee in Cosmetagora

On the 9th and the 10th of January 2018 DNA Gensee will be present in Cosmetagora. An exposition organised by the Société Française de Cosmétologie (http://www.cosmetagora.fr). Take an appointement with Nicole Giraud, CEO of DNA Gensee ( +33 6 58 34 20 15)  to (re)discover DNA analysis performances.

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids and DNA

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids and DNA Pyrrolizidine alkaloids pose problems when used in food products. EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and DGCCRF (Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes) are publishing articles to inform consumers1,2,3. The consumption of pyrrolizidine alkaloids can, in the long term, be dangerous for health, toxic…

Sustainable development by DNA

Sustainable development by DNA For the European Edition of the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit which will take place in Paris from 6 to 8th November 2017, DNA Gensee will give a conference dedicated to sourcing traceability. Plant and algae DNA traceability gives to manufacturers insurance of naturality of their raw materials by avoiding using chemical and…

DNA Gensee celebrates its 5 years

With robust foundations, a laboratory with white rooms dedicated to the DNA, a high tech equipment with a New Generation sequencer, a very involved team of experts in molecular biology, DNA Gensee uses the genetic signature of plants and seaweeds to trace them in cosmetics. The laboratory grew up and today invests in very ambitious…

Florian philippe

DNA Gensee’s team is growing

Florian Philippe, has just joined the team of DNA Gensee as engineer R*D. Florian is a doctor in biology and plant molecular and cellular physiology and knows very well the world of molecular biology andbotanics. His doctorate concerned transcriptomic, functional and biochemical study on cell wall acetylation. He will coordinate within the company DNA Gensee,…